Monday, December 21, 2009

Good Morning Internet !

So I just woke up, still feeling VERY tired. I went to bed at like 4am via tinychat... smh
I'm pretty excited for this winter break, I plan to get a lot of cleaning and sleeping done. However, I can't forget to reward myself for the hard work I put during school time. On Wednesday I have to go to Eaton Centre to pick up the Jordan Spacejam 11's I preordered back in September. I'll be lnking up with my long time friend Deryk ( whom also preordered the shoes.
I'll tell you all about it soon =]

Song Of The Day:

Studio Lovin' - Wiz Khalifa <- AMAZING song! Juliano went in on this one.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So Today Was...

kinda tiring actually. I had to edit a French composition... no fun. Not to mention that I woke up this morning soaked realizing that my water pillow was leaking =[. After school I went to the community centre to play basketball, atleast that was fun.

This is what I had for dinner, some home cooked curry (Y)

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Song Of The Day // Good Luv - Novel

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas is Near !

My family has finally gotten in to the Christmas festivities this year and we put up a beautilful ... artificial... tree, take a look !

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Song Of The Day = Sky Might Fall (Soul Remix) - Novel

BTW you guys should really check out Novel, he's a great lyricist and singer.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Beginning

So I've decided to start taking fits pics whenever I find the chance.
Here's today;

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I haven't worn that Adidas vest in a long time. It's from Paris, apparently you can't find it in North America.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Camera !

So I finally got a camera ! This will definitely enhance the whole blogging experience. These are just some of the photos I took today.

My brother @ work

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I'm liking this whole camera thing lol.

Song Of The Day
It's Over Now - Kurupt ft. Blaque

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ok, so I know it's been a while...

Sorry for the delays on this post, been kinda tied up with school and social activity. Here's a short recap of last week;

Thursday - I got to go to the Royal Ontario Museum {ROM} for my french class. It was very interesting seeing all the Egyptian tomb artifacts and traditions dating back centuries ago. On our own free time, me and a couple of good friends went to check out the dinosaur exhibit as well as the extinct animals. I thought it was amazing because I saw animals and organisms that I've never seen before and learned a lot about them. Yeah... So that was my thursday.

Friday - Last night I went to a jam near my house. It was soo liiiiiiiive ! My legs are hurting now because of all the dancing and my muscles were burning =[

- well it seems that I might finally get a camera that will enhance this whole blogging experience. Potentially tonight even.