Monday, December 21, 2009

Good Morning Internet !

So I just woke up, still feeling VERY tired. I went to bed at like 4am via tinychat... smh
I'm pretty excited for this winter break, I plan to get a lot of cleaning and sleeping done. However, I can't forget to reward myself for the hard work I put during school time. On Wednesday I have to go to Eaton Centre to pick up the Jordan Spacejam 11's I preordered back in September. I'll be lnking up with my long time friend Deryk ( whom also preordered the shoes.
I'll tell you all about it soon =]

Song Of The Day:

Studio Lovin' - Wiz Khalifa <- AMAZING song! Juliano went in on this one.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So Today Was...

kinda tiring actually. I had to edit a French composition... no fun. Not to mention that I woke up this morning soaked realizing that my water pillow was leaking =[. After school I went to the community centre to play basketball, atleast that was fun.

This is what I had for dinner, some home cooked curry (Y)

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Song Of The Day // Good Luv - Novel

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas is Near !

My family has finally gotten in to the Christmas festivities this year and we put up a beautilful ... artificial... tree, take a look !

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Song Of The Day = Sky Might Fall (Soul Remix) - Novel

BTW you guys should really check out Novel, he's a great lyricist and singer.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Beginning

So I've decided to start taking fits pics whenever I find the chance.
Here's today;

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I haven't worn that Adidas vest in a long time. It's from Paris, apparently you can't find it in North America.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Camera !

So I finally got a camera ! This will definitely enhance the whole blogging experience. These are just some of the photos I took today.

My brother @ work

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I'm liking this whole camera thing lol.

Song Of The Day
It's Over Now - Kurupt ft. Blaque

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ok, so I know it's been a while...

Sorry for the delays on this post, been kinda tied up with school and social activity. Here's a short recap of last week;

Thursday - I got to go to the Royal Ontario Museum {ROM} for my french class. It was very interesting seeing all the Egyptian tomb artifacts and traditions dating back centuries ago. On our own free time, me and a couple of good friends went to check out the dinosaur exhibit as well as the extinct animals. I thought it was amazing because I saw animals and organisms that I've never seen before and learned a lot about them. Yeah... So that was my thursday.

Friday - Last night I went to a jam near my house. It was soo liiiiiiiive ! My legs are hurting now because of all the dancing and my muscles were burning =[

- well it seems that I might finally get a camera that will enhance this whole blogging experience. Potentially tonight even.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sick weekend

I would like to conclude this wonderful weekend with a wonderful update.
My dude Deryk came down to my area for the weekend and I showed him around town so to speak. He met some of my closest friends and they got along famously.

Yesterday's events;
- pho
- vaughan mills + bowling
- Ali's Get-Together

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Today's Events;
-transit to yorkdale
-transit home /w maple friends.

All in all I had a great weekend, time to top it off with some weekend fits =]

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SundayImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Going to go to sleep now, gnight internet.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mans are bored in class.

So, I" in comm tech class right now and I'm pretty bored. This class is going by quite slowly and I don't have anything to do but BT and blog.

Song Of the Day - Break Up - Lil' Wayne, Short Dawg and Gudda Gudda.

I'll be back later with a better update, keep on rocking in the free world.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

so tired.

I had to walk to school today, which takes about 45 mins...
then I had a regular boring day of school...
after school I went to the community centre to play ball...
now I'm sitting here, tired as ishhhhhhh

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

fresh cut

ok so I wanted to wait until my semi-formal next week to cut my hair... but I got irritated by it more and more by the minute... so I'll just have to clean it up again next week through a friend...
School was just the same.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Woke up a little early.

Ever since I got since about two days ago, my sleeping habits got kinda messed up. On Friday I slept @ 6pm and woke up at 8am the next day. I guess that could be put to blame as why I woke up 10 minutes ago... I guess today should be eventful, I'm going to visit my uncle at the hospital with my mother, aunt and cousins potentially. Pray for him, thanks. See you guys later.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A little more about me.

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I'm a bit of a sneaker freak, I don't like to wear the same pair over and over again. After each wear, I wipe them down for maintenance. I don't know what I"m going to do about the winter time though, I'm not a big fan of boots... we'll see.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New to this damn thang

What's up everybody, it's me Jovon Yen a.k.a MrSpacely here. Just started on this blog inspired by my dude Deryk. You can see his blog here

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I fit from the other day, had to dress for the harsh canadian weather. So yeah... I'll be back later, peace !